sky Blue

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Good Friday

Yesterday was good Friday. The game plan was to get off work at 12:15, Go to the gym, Then meet my sister and brother inlaw, nephew and Mom at church at 2;30. Well 2pm comes and I am just changing out of my work out gear and the phone rings....can I pick up Mom,,,ugh, Not that I dread getting her,,it's just here goes the rush,,drive out to get her (12 Minutes),,,walk down the long hall at the home (10 minutes),,drive back to town (12 minutes) park some where near church,,,long walk to door,,and Mom is kinda slow walking ,,,(15 minutes),,And get in church on time. That part went pretty good,,,we got there at 3;05 for 3pm mass.And we get to sit in front pew,,,I usually like sitting in the middle of the church,,this way I follow every one else in the sitting, standing, kneeling thing,,but now it's up to me to guess at it,,,I kinda wanted to start kneeling when you should be sitting to see who would follow my lead.,,I don't go to church that often,,think the last time was a funeral. And I never remember going on good Friday. The priest carries the cross to the front of church and one by one you kiss the feet of the Lord,,,All I kept thinking of is germs,,,they wipe it off with a cloth each time,,,but how does that kill the germs,,,My sister assured me it will be fine. Mass was nice,,guess I need to go more often. I have a strong belief in Christ,,I just don't go as much as I used to. Growing up I had to go every holiday and Sunday. One of the last times I went posslq went with me...It was open confession,,He went up first and told the priest he was living with me,,and wanted the blessings,,,well Father was from the old school and didn't want to hear the living in sin ,,,and dismissed him,,,so when I went in next and started to talk,,first thing out of his mouth,,,Are you with the gentleman that was just here,,,Yes I said,,,He said he could not here my confession,,,No Hail Marry..nadda. So that kinda put a damper on the whole church going thing. My posslq won't go back,,except for weddings and funerals. Well now I am running late again and the rush begins,,,It's my postcard reading day and I gotta run,,,Have a Happy Easter and see you on the Bunny Trail,,,(how Freaking Corny was that) Happy Trails:>)


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