Hump day

Well,,,Today is my mixed up day. Wanted to sleep to at least 8am,,,but noooo,,,my patient awoke at 6am and thought it was late,,,she was just up 2 hours before,,,didn't have to go to the bathroom or anything,,,,just wanted to know what I was doing,,,I was rather Quiet,,,Well ya,,I was asleep....At 6;30 she wants to know if I fell back asleep,,,Well I did but not now. It is kinda funny but think if it was later would have been better,,,,Now I am up for the day and she is snoring like a baby,,,Kinda wanted to say at 8;30,,,,Are you sleeping,,but I know she needs her rest more than I. So I got my self ready for my 10am doctors appointment,,,made it there on time,,,pulled into the parking garage,,,got my ticket,,And headed up to the office,,signed in and when the receptionist was free she checked on my appointment,,,,nope they had to cancel on me because the NPA quit,,,and now rescheduled for my follow up shot in August,,,I had the procedure done in June,,that will make it 2 months after my shot,,,that really does not seem kosher to me. ...Oh well such is life. The receptionist told me how badly they are booked and how some people are yelling at her. She said she called and left a message on my answering machine,,,well none were there,,,gave her my cell,,,perhaps that will help. But I doubt it. yesterday we had a good day at work. Took my patient up to Troy to have lunch with her son and his wife. Nice Italian resteraunt on RT. 4,,,forget the name but think it is Mortabellos. Been there a few times and food is always great. Stopped at a few places on the way back,,,we even visited my Mom,,So she had a great day. And I am ready for a nap.{J} is watching his favorite show he taped Resque Me,,,,And telling me not to put him on my blog,,,Ok fine I wont!!! Ya right!!!Already he is telling me how Stupid it is to go on a cruise,,,much more smarter to pay $500 a few times to go Nascar race and watch cars go around and around. So I guess what ever makes you happy just do it!!!! This shot is of the fireworks this past saturday night,,,Thought it was so cool I even got the reflection of the moon in on it!!....Well it's back to work I go HAPPY TRAILS!!!#################How To Ask A Man To Do Something Always remember these five important rules when asking a man to do something: 1. Make sure the man is conscious. 1a. Then give him a Blow Job 2. Crash the hard drive on his computer and line the bird cage with the sports section. 3. Be brief! Limit your nagging harangue to two, three, or four hours, max. 3b. Then ... give him a Blow Job 4. Reward him for cooperative behavior. A blow job will usually do just fine. Or, offer to cook him something that doesn't have a peel-back cover. 5. Punish him when he refuses to cooperate. Microwave his remote on high power for 55 minutes. Rotate 1/4 turn, and microwave again for another 35 minutes. Or, threaten to not give him a blow job. 6. Use "would you" or "will you" instead of "you'd better" or "do as I say and no one will get hurt". 7. When all else fails ... Blow Job. OK, seven rules. ######################################A study in Scotland showed that the kind of "male face" a woman finds attractive can differ depending on where a woman is in her menstrual cycle. For instance, if she is post-menstrual she may be attracted to plain facial features. When pre-menstrual she can be attracted to more feminine features in a man. If she is ovulating she is attracted to men with rugged, masculine features, and if she is menstruating she is more prone to be attracted to a man with a pair of scissors shoved in his temple. ###########################################Q. Why don't Mr. and Mrs. Smokey Bear have any children?A. Because every time she gets hot, he hits her over the head with a shovel and throws dirt on her.##########################################################Q. Did you hear about the flasher who was thinking of retiring? A. He decided to stick it out for one more year. #################################
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