JULY 3rd,,Enjoy

This is another shot from yesterday,,It's from the side of the Island heading back to "our" little piece of paradise. The island is home to a variety of wild flowers,,and many species of birds. And a few Eagles hunt from there. There is a small body of water behind the island...Then the rest of civilization begins,,,with train tracks and all. Yesterday we noticed 2 guys ride up in their tin boat to start to build a duck blind along the tracks....{J} promised to destroy it,,,or let the rail authority know about it,,,as I sit at my desk typing I can hear a train blowing,,,that same train either has or shall pass our Island shortly. When we were younger,,my sisters and I use to moon the train,,the good old days. Yesterday I was telling {J} how when we were kids and out swimming and boating in our metal canoe,,,when a lighting storm came up we would just tip the boat over and climb under it for shelter. How freaking stupid is that!!! Like we thought we were safe...Yup in a body of water and under a metal boat. We were lucky not to get struck at all. Speaking of stupid things.....I was reading the Daily Freeman's Sunday news,,,It's out of Kingston, Ny. They had a article in there about this lady that went to the ER with a very painful stomach ache. So they X-rayed her and could see some thing foreign in there. So they decided to operate,,,,what they found was 19 - 3 inch nails in there. Some have been rusty and have been in there for month's. Not just your average penny. This was a 40 year old female. It said how it just stratched her stomach lining. And no major damage. She is going to make recovery the next day and be out,,,,Out,,she needs to be locked up and supervised. She definitely has a case of PICA. Not sure where she was from,,,don't even recall if It was the USA or not. I use to work with mentally "challenged" teens that had PICA,,,they would put whatever they could find in there mouths from cigarette buts to dog crap,,,,definitely gross. Reading today's news,,,,A Granny's dream advice helped a guy win the lottery,,,,of course that was in Malaysia,,,,so not sure how true that is. Well the day looks great and heading on the Big boat,,,for lunch and a ride before I get to work,,,,Enjoy!!! HAPPY TRAILS!!!!---------------------------------------------A cowboy rides into town and stops at the saloon, gets off his horse walks around to the back of it, lifts up the tail and kisses it smack on the ass, The bartender inside the bar notices this transaction and thinks it a little strange. When the cowboy saunters up to the bar and orders a drink the bartender asks him, "I noticed when you got off your horse you walked behind it and kissed it on the ass. Can I ask why?" The cowboy answers "Chapped lips". "Wow!" says the bartender. "It cures chapped lips?""No, but it sure as hell keeps you from licking them.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"Q:What's the best way to catch Dolly Parton in the woods?A: Use a booby trap!###################################################Todd is walking downtown and a girl calls to him, "blowjob, five dollars."He gives her a strange look and keeps walking. Soon another girl does the same thing. Confused, he keeps walking.The first thing out of his mouth when he returned home was "Mom, what's a blowjob?"His mom replies, "five dollars, just like downtown!"
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