sky Blue

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Another day in the life of me

This is a shot from today,,,,grant it, if I had make up crew and hair people there,,,It would have been a good shot. As it is,,,my hair had not seen a pic since am,,,even the darn dog was ready to run. But I was enjoying my self,,,and it's the only shot that {J} took that can be shown. He has a tendacy to always get a awful shot of me,,,I am either bending over,,,or doing something that I don't want a shot of. Today turned out to be a nice day,,I got off work at 8;30am,,hit the food store

-- for chow's. Went to the gym and we headed to river at 11am. A few sprinkles were coming down,,and we listened to the weather report of a few dangerous thunderstorms coming in for the afternoon. Great I thought....We will be stranded on the island being low tide and no shelter. Me and lighting do not go well together. We loaded up our little boat,,,as my cousins were heading back unloading theirs. We got out to our spot on the island and soon as we hit the shore,,I state how perhaps we should just go out on the big boat,,,,if it thunders and such we will have shelter,,,,{J} just rolled his eyes,,saying how I can never make up my mind as what to do,,,,and started to turn the boat around and head back home to the big boat,,,after about 2 " well maybe it will be ok here, from me"....He said we are staying. It sprinkled on us 3 times,,but not hard- a gentle sprinkle. And the day turned out to be great. We had the whole island all to are selves. I was watching 2 morning doves land further on the beach from our spot. They were playing and acting like love birds,,,when all of the sunden a BLUE BIRD landed on a fallen tree about 3 feet from them. I took it as a good sign,,,seeing the Blue Bird of happiness. {J} cooked our meal,,I think that is why I love camping and BQ's,,,he always gets to cook and I get a break. In 19 days we will camp for 2 weeks. He will do all the cooking ,,,on the days it is my turn,,,It will be the 99 restaurant...Or another favorite spot.
On the morrow we will take the big boat out and go for a cruise and lunch. Being a holiday and all I still gotta work so shall try to get there by 3. It's nice to be the boss. Happy Trails and Happy 4th of July!!!!!World's Thinnest Books
FRENCH WAR HEROESby Jacques Chirac HOW I SERVED MY COUNTRYby Jane Fonda MY BEAUTY SECRETSby Janet Reno MY SUPER BOWL HIGHLIGHTSby Dan Marino!THINGS I LOVE ABOUT BILLby! Hillary Clinton MY LITTLE BOOK OF PERSONAL HYGIENEby Osama Bin Laden THINGS I CANNOT AFFORDby Bill Gates THINGS I WOULD NOT DO FOR MONEYby Dennis Rodman MY WILD YEARSby Al Gore AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR LAWYERS DETROIT: a Travel Guide A COLLECTION of MOTIVATIONAL SPEECHESby Dr. J. Kevorkian ALL THE MEN I HAVE LOVED BEFOREby Ellen de Generes GUIDE TO DATING ETIQUETTEby Mike Tyson SPOTTED OWL RECIPESby the EPA THE AMISH PHONE DIRECTORY MY PLAN TO FIND THE REAL KILLERSby O. J. Simpson Bridge Travelby Ted Kennedy And the world's Number One Thinnest BookMY BOOK OF MORALSby Bill Clintonwith introductionby The Rev. Jessie Jackson@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
-- During the wedding reception in the family mansion, the bride'sGrandfather slipped her five $100 bills which she concealed inher glove, since he told her to keep it for "mad money".By tradition, the couple spent their first night together in thefamily's historic house. The bride's Grandmother saw her sneaking down the stairs later that night, and asked where she was going. "I left my gloves in the .library, Grand-MaMa, and it'simportant that I have them.""Oh you youngsters !" the Grandmother sighed. "You march yourselfright back upstairs and grab hold of that damm thing with yourbare hands just as I did your Grandfather's###################################################

Why is a Laundromat a really bad place to pick up a woman?Because a woman who can't even afford a washing machine will probably never be able to support you.###############################################################


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