sky the beach
sky Blue,,,,,Camping is going great!!..Spent the first 2 days on the beach. Today Bobby and family decided to stay off the beach,,they got burned yesterday. My aunt and uncle are here also,,,and my aunt hurt her foot and needed to go to the ER on Sunday,,,her nail came off her toe and being diabetic she needed to get checked out. They wanted to see her again today to see how it is doing,,,and my uncle needed some-one to watch his 2 grandsons....7 & 8,,,my sister in law has been keeping a eye on them at the beach and around the campground and she didn't want to be bothered again,,,fine {J} and I shall watch them,,,having no kids of our own,,wonder how far out we should let them run from our sights,,,,hummm,,,let them climb the rocks in the Merrimack river and hunt for crabs,,,but they were so far away,,,made them come back and play right in front of us,,,they were good about it. Put sun block 30 on them,,,,one was already burnt and the other just gets a golden brown like me,,,could pass for my kid if I had one. The other one could pass for {J} as a little kid,,,pudginess and all. After the beach we took them to the arcade,,,I headed to the library and now {J} gets to watch them,,believe me it took a bit to make him drop me off,,,,I heard oh,,just come back to the campground then take the car yourself,,,had to remind him,,,I wasnted to go there and not the arcade,,,so finally I got my way. The sea air here at night really makes you sleep like a baby,,,first morning I slept till 10am,,,then,,,we hit Kittery Maine and shopped all day with my brothers family,,,I mean all day,,,till 7pm at night---I am totally done shopping and going to stores,,,ugh . Yesterday on the beach there was this guy in long pants throwing a ball out in the river for his dog to fetch,,,after awhile he took some pictures of his dog,,,,I went over and asked him if he wanted me to snap a few pictures for him,,,,he said sure,,,,I said let me just grab my glasses,,,got back to him and he says,,"oh you wanna use my camera,,,,Hello,,,I am doing you a freakin favor,,why would I want to use my camera and take your picture,,,,I see why you are alone,,,he then thanked me and continued for hours playing with his dog,,,he was about 30 or so.,,,Tonight we are having our first cook-out,,,{J} shall be cooking burgers on the grill,,,on the morrow it is back to me dealing with dinner,,,and going out to eat,,,,for now it is back to the beach-----Happy Trails!!!!!!!!
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