sky Blue

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Well I am into the 5 day of camping. The weather has been great. The first night we got here on Saturday it did pour thou....The skies opened up and tons of water fell. We had a small lake by the front door. It slowly dispersed thou. Kinda felt sorry for the tent people,,I know they got soaked. Been spending days on the beach,,and biking. I am a golden brown. My brother Bobby is a little burnt and my one nephew is at that stage in his life where he is to embarred to take off his shirt,,,he is just a tad over weight but the kid looks good. Security with the shirt I guess. Yesterday my uncle who is around 70 years old,,,swam way out in the Merrimack River,,,he went out to the channel and floated and swam around 3 miles down river. The water temp is about 64,,,icey cold,,,,,I have yet to get fully wet. Today we all headed to the beach at the ocean,,,,My uncle swam way out.....{J} got embarrassed and knew the lifeguards were going to soon come and {J} left the beach. My uncle got way out past the markers and then they came,,,,yelling-blowing their whistles-waving their rescue equitment. Finally the one guy said.."Shit I hate going out there,- But off he had to go- My uncle was doing the dolphin swim. Everyone on the beach all gathered round to watch the rescue,,,,I thought for sure my uncle would have had to rescue the life guard. He told me the guy got out to him and said you have to come back,,,,you must be able to touch the sand- so my uncle dove under water and brought up a hand full of sand for him. Finally he came in with the life guard. We were all laughing our heads off,,,but I am sure it was pretty scary for the life guard. One of these days my uncle might not make it,,but at least he died doing some thing he likes. Tonight more of my cousins are coming- I want a sober night. I have been going to bed after midnight and missing the morning by sleeping it away,,,,So unlike me,,I am a morning person. Unable to post any jokes at this time but hopefully soon. Tonight it is dinner at Stripers- I can't wait,,,it is 2pm and I have not had anything to eat all day. Last night we all went up the coast to this place called Joey's for pizza. It was excellent except no drinks,,,which was a bummer for my sister-inlay,,,{J} drove and she was looking forward to a cocktail. have not cooked anything since I have been here. It has been out to eat or else {J} cooks,,,,I love it. Now it is back to the beach----Happy Trails!!!!!!


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