spring is sprung
Was such a pretty day here. Everything is like coming to life again. Noticed numerous tulips in bloom,,, Rhodendrens,,,even lilacs. I have been lately delivering a lot of garden supplies,,,,each delivery wishing it was I recieving the item and at home to enjoy it! My little brother called me today,asking about getting a few apple tree's to add to his place,,,so I called my boss and got him some,,,for such a good price---$10,,,Agway here was charging $40. Really wish I had the room to put one in my little area,,,,but then again if I had the room I would put a cherry tree,,,or a peach tree. I probably do have room for one but then I think about all the leaves I would have to bag,,,I bagged so many this year and past,,with not even having one tree,,( notice I use freakin to many times,,,so trying to stay away from saying freaking leaves),,so shall just enjoy getting them from work. Buy the way those tree's are well into there bloom. The peaches have such a pretty bright pink bloom,,,need to take a pictureof that. Some times the simple things we see we take for granted,,and life is to short not to take notice of all the small things we see.///If your a big person don't wear whit spandex---noticed to day when I came to my second job,,,the girl that was here,,,(we are the same age...29,,uh like 40) Had a pair on and all I can say is DON'T,,,really think as we age we should try to remain sexy. Glad I was able to get to the gym today,,,soon it will be beach time and I would like to turn a few heads,,,get some smles. Can't picture some chick on the beach 2oo plus in a suite feeling good about them selves,,to me that is just lazy. Grant it some people like there fat,,,the chick I work with think she is sexy,,,,even my patient wonders why,,,,"says she has issuse,,and her husband must be "wolfing around" god'da love that; coming from a 95 year old. Well it's off to my sweet dreams,,,Cherry Blossoms and rainbows-Happy trails :>) OKAY reminder to who shall read No spell check happing here,,on lap top,,,so adjust ( # ) _ ( # )
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