sky Blue

Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Trip,,

It started out as a very pretty day. I got a good night sleep at work,,,I really didn't even have to get up,,,My patient's son got her up so I could sleep. But I did get up to put her back to bed. Went back my self to sleep at 2 AM,,,Then up at 5;30am. In and out of shower by 6--ready to go at 6;20. Went and got my Mom,,who was not totally ready,,,Helped her finish getting ready,,,And off to my sister's we went. My brother and sister was ready to go--Foxwoods here we come,,,On our last road there,,,we ran into a pot hole and got a flat. I got Mom out of car put her in a wheel chair near road for sympathy....Milly got the tire out. I told Joey to hide and some one would surely stop when they saw 2 cute chicks and a lady in a wheel chair,,,,but no000,,,He wanted to change it. One person did stop any how. We put the fake tire on,,,that came with the Jetta...It had very little air in it.( Not at all like my Blazer's spare tire which is just like the other four tires,,with air),,,we found a gas station,,,filled the spare,,,found a garage,,,the checked the old tire,,,it was totally broken,,,Rechecked the air in spare. The guy was very nice,,but totally redkneck,,,,Did not believe in Walmart,,(never shopped there-never will),,,On to the casino---milly and Mom and I went to Panora (sp) breads for soup,,,Joey to the tables. After lunch we hit the slots,,,I lost Milly and Mom...Joey found me and we headed to the $5 slots,,,we both chipped in $100 and went to every machine dropping $5 in---Nadda nothing. He went back to tables,,I stayed on a machine,,got it up to $250- Then went and put that in a $1 Wheel of fortune,,,hit a jackpot of a grand,,,called Milly and she found me and I took Mom from her and we played a 50. Cent machine,,,Monte Carlo- I dropped $20 into it and got it up to $375,,,we waited there for Milly,,,,by the time she found us $500 was gone. Joey met up with us and we went back to the high rollers,,,needless to say It is all gone. I will be getting a few free rooms and gifts out of this trip. We all got a bite to eat,,left there at 6;30,,,,I am totally late for work. Decided to change schedule at that moment and have the girl there spend the night,,,I will do sat/sun...After the mail. Had to go there and get my meds tonight thou. We drove home going 45-50...miles a hour till we got on mas pike. Got home at 10;30pm,,,,ugh long drive. But had nice family time together. My sweety at home says we all need to go to gamblers anomous....Now getting ready for the post card ready crap...Cheers...Happy trails :>)


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