sky Blue

Friday, April 28, 2006

Things that make you wonder what Happened

This shot was taken on the last day of my long week. i had to pull in the driveway and deliver something,,as I sat there I looked around....all I saw was garbage and clutter,,,It was like a human pig stye. The neighbors complain about the rats and smell, and who can blaim them. How does a family not mind living in this,,or when do the give up, and not care about their surroundings. The front window of the "homestead" is broken,,well more like shattered and there is tape holding the window together. I am not a person to judge,,even thou it may seem that....Years ago when I was young, my house was called unfitt to live in,,,my family was takin to court and we almost were put up for adoption. My older brother and his wife took us in to live till my parents were able to get it together,,,,think I was like 10 years old. But my yard and house never looked like that---my mom was a rat pack, but she was a good person,,,never did drugs or achohol. We were just poor. My father was a plumber and a carpenture,,,and as the story goes we had no running water,,,and I remeber our house just got painted on the sides you could see from the road. One day my sister fell and twisted her ankle,,,and my father would not take her to the doctors,,,,he had been drinking,,,,so my sister called the eldest child who was her favorite,,,,she came and took her,,and started the ball rolling on unfit parents,,,we went to court,,,and needless to say things when i deliver to this house I wonder how these people can get away with raising children when this looks like it does and my old place was not even close to this----All turned out well for me,,,we moved to PO' town,,for a bit till Dad got water running. My sister never did come back she ended up living with my oldest sister and her husband,,,,wich tuned out ok,,,but my oldest sister's husband was a pedifiler,,,but lucky for my sister he only liked young boys. Dad since has pasted away,,,and we all are very close. ,,,,that's it for now,,,,started this post like 2 days ago---finally finished with numerous thoughts inbetween,,,,Happy Trails :>)


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