It's All About MEEEE!!
Know why this toonie is in it's birthday suit?? Yup it's my birthday!! { Happy Birthday to me}. I posted a long post at 6;30 am,,,all about my day yesterday and a lot of yadda,,,it freakin went into cyber land,,,lost some where by blogger,,,,thank you very much. Now I am pressed for time,,,by my own accord thou. Yesterday after my shot,,,I was still numb from the meds and we headed out on the big boat. We put 33 gallons in it,,,brought it to a half of a tank. Gas at our club is $3.15 for members and $3.79 for non,,,,ouch when you have a big boat. We headed up to this cool island,,I call Bird Island,,,,everything has a name!!,,On this island there is like this 14foot sand cliff that goes straight up. It is home to sand swallows that build there homes in holes in the sand. It is so neat to see them go in and out of there homes,,,about 200 hundred or so birds,,,definetly a large flock. We park the boat 3 feet from shore and I watch them all day. They come pretty close flying,,,but never crapping on you or the boat so that's a plus. {J} was able to swim the 3feet to shore,,,I was boat bound,,,unable to get my back wet wich really sucked,,,but at least I had a great view. I even layed on the front of the boat and watched the clouds witch were few,,,float and some disperse right infront of me,,,that was kinda neat. On {J's} journey on the island he walked under a Eagle,,,lucky him. It was a mature eagle and a grand site to see. We hung out there till 3;30 then made our way back to the club and docked our boat. I would have loved to stay longer but he was burnt,,,I was just a nice golden brown. And now we are off to the ocean for the day and staying at the casino overnight. Lucky me. Well actually lucky them. Last year I did win big,,,a few grand on my birthday there,,,so perhaps I shall do good again. HAPPY TRAILS!!!!!FORT MEADE, MD--The director of the National Security Agencyannounced at a press conference Tuesday that the ongoing phonesurveillance of Cincinnati resident Greg Wyckham has yielded"overwhelming and incontrovertible" evidence that the 37-year-oldhigh-school teacher and married father of three is wasting money on along-distance plan that does not suit his calling needs. According to Lt. Gen. Keith B. Alexander, Wyckham, who caughtthe attention of authorities in July 2004 when he placed a call to hisfirst wife, has spent an average of $75 a month on long distance, "when he could have been saving as much as $30 per billing period." [...]Added Alexander: "If Wyckham simply joined the Family SharePlan, he would not only save money himself, but also for his wifeShelly, Jeremy, the twins, Ashley and Courtney, and, if he werereasonably discreet, teacher's aide Janet Molina, with whom he's havingan extramarital affair."Alexander said it is difficult for the NSA to keep itsoperations secret when Wyckham and other Americans do not take advantageof potentially enormous savings with a good long-distance plan."With companies like Skype and Vonage providing inexpensiveInternet phone service, high long-distance bills are a senseless waste,"Alexander said. "Sometimes an agent wishes he could physically emergefrom the phone receiver and shake some sense into these citizens, butthat technology is at least 10 years away."The Onion #########################
Thought for the day...
If you sometimes get the sudden urge to run around naked? Drink some Windex. It will keep you from streaking.
Have a Great Day,
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