sky Blue

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Island wishes,,,,"Very Perty"

This is another shot from my island. Oh how I longed to be back there again today. The weather was great most of the day. And I kept pretty busy at work. Did my garden thing here,,,made a bird house out of a old apple guard. Kept my patient pretty busy with small taskes that she could handle. Played a bunch of old tunes for the music therapy of it. She loved it and I got used to listening to Frank Patterson,,and George Cohen,,,Bill Doggett,,over and over again. But one time slip in my Mozart and she doesn't like it. There are no words for her to realiate I guess,,,and it must make her mind go crazy. The workers where working pretty close to the house today,,,witch at times made me feel a little uneasy. I noticed this one bald guy come out of no where ( between the apple rows) and head down to barn and get on fork lift,,,,I assumed he was stealing it,,,,and hopped in my truck to go to end of road to write down plate numbers. But lucky for him I tell ya he was just moving some apple crates around by the storage. {P} must have hired him. And then later on as I was out after working ours,,taking pictures of the apple in it's young stage,,,,i noticed a Jamaican heading towards me,,,or up the road where I wondered why he would be going that way then,,,I headed back on deck and he disappeared between another row of apple tree's. Now As I sit her in my PJ's wondering who is peaking in the windows,,,yikes Yup "Shure do wish I was back on that Island now" Morrow is my luncheon,,,,all is made,,( the freakin Martha Stewert in me)...But for that I am glad. Easy day then. Will leave here early,,,have a HHA coming at 9...I will go to gym,,,and then be back in time for company. If it brings a dash of hope and happiness to my patient it will make my job worth a million----Happy Trails :>)


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