sky Blue

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Things that catch my eye and thought

This photo I love. It is on a back road,,close to a major highway, and when ever I drive past it,,,it makes me wonder.....Perhaps in the 50's it was used. Now it stands still and slowly disingrates,,,and dwindles away. I woke up tired today,,,got up at 3am with my patient,,,and could hear the tractors starting up already. It was cold out about 40 degrees,,,thank God I got to go back to bed. Up at 6am and started reading,,,another D.S. novel,,,called Daddy. Think it made me sorta depressed already. It is about this lady in her 40's,,,and she does have it pretty good. A stay at home mom,,,with a cleaning lady and a nanny for her 3 kids. A good looking husband with a great job, making the big bucks,,,but yet something is missing for her. It goes to say how when you are 20 and you have all these dreams and goals in life and they slowly disappear with out you realizing them,,,and then your 40. Makes me wonder what happened to my dreams of then. Did I ever have any. Is this how I pictured my self and what I would be doing? All my friends and family have families of there own,,,and I have him and a dog,,and a cat. Is that enough for me,,,Am I content? I just ate a piece of chocolate and feel a little better,,,but it makes you wonder,,,Is this a pms moment....How many more shall I have before I sit alone in a field like this barn.,,,Well enough of this downer crap,,,need to get a move on,,,,Happy Trails,,,And lighter thoughts,,,Cheers!!!


  • At 10:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    That is a cool shot but a angry sky,,,let me know if a Tornadoe hits.


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