sky Blue

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Things That start the day off....

Now this could definitely start the day off on a wrong note "OUCH". And to make the news,,That happened yesterday,,he resting now,,LoL. This am when we like to lounge around the house in our semi-undressed clothes,,and just chill and enjoy the morning--It was interruptive with his Mom ringing our doorbell and asking if we can watch the great niece and nephew for 15 minutes while she took a shower. Her apartment is down stairs,,,we hurried up and dressed a little more before the 2 and 6 year old came. They are good kids but think I scare the 2 year old with my Hair all ruffled and looking like a witch in the am. They were here 45 minutes,,now it is time to get moving and see what the day brings. Hoping to get a bit of fun in before I head to the PO. On the morrow I have to do a route that really makes me dizzy,,,I think I have done it once,,,about 5 years ago. The regular on there constantly screws up and has his customers complaining,,,and me I try to be perfect so I am going down and practice a bit. Monday's are heavy as it is,,,and being the first of the month on a route that is heavy really bites. If the 2 year old could see me at the end of the day on the morrow,,,he will never want to come back up here. I am also going to try to get a few good photo shots in today. But for now it is off to the gym for a few hours--Cheers- Happy Hour is at 6pm---Happy Trails :>)

Friday, April 28, 2006

Things that make you wonder what Happened

This shot was taken on the last day of my long week. i had to pull in the driveway and deliver something,,as I sat there I looked around....all I saw was garbage and clutter,,,It was like a human pig stye. The neighbors complain about the rats and smell, and who can blaim them. How does a family not mind living in this,,or when do the give up, and not care about their surroundings. The front window of the "homestead" is broken,,well more like shattered and there is tape holding the window together. I am not a person to judge,,even thou it may seem that....Years ago when I was young, my house was called unfitt to live in,,,my family was takin to court and we almost were put up for adoption. My older brother and his wife took us in to live till my parents were able to get it together,,,,think I was like 10 years old. But my yard and house never looked like that---my mom was a rat pack, but she was a good person,,,never did drugs or achohol. We were just poor. My father was a plumber and a carpenture,,,and as the story goes we had no running water,,,and I remeber our house just got painted on the sides you could see from the road. One day my sister fell and twisted her ankle,,,and my father would not take her to the doctors,,,,he had been drinking,,,,so my sister called the eldest child who was her favorite,,,,she came and took her,,and started the ball rolling on unfit parents,,,we went to court,,,and needless to say things when i deliver to this house I wonder how these people can get away with raising children when this looks like it does and my old place was not even close to this----All turned out well for me,,,we moved to PO' town,,for a bit till Dad got water running. My sister never did come back she ended up living with my oldest sister and her husband,,,,wich tuned out ok,,,but my oldest sister's husband was a pedifiler,,,but lucky for my sister he only liked young boys. Dad since has pasted away,,,and we all are very close. ,,,,that's it for now,,,,started this post like 2 days ago---finally finished with numerous thoughts inbetween,,,,Happy Trails :>)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Wensday,,soon the break comes

Finally, only one ,more day of double duty. Last night went to bed at 10,,up at 11 with pt.,,,back to bed and up and sayed up at 4am. Got to go out and wake the birds for a change. I could hear turkeys starting to gobble at 5 am. Morning sounds are so cool. From the peepers to the creepers,,,they all start to stir. Got to go to the gym, before the mail thingy,,,that was refreshing. Different crew there in am. I thought it went out long ago,,,but i saw a guy with a blue mohawk,,,,always wonder about people like that,,,are they going threw a "notice me phase",,or trying to be a rebel,,or think they look cool, what gives with that? Got to work only 5 minutes late,,,wasn't bad. But thought I did like a good deed the day before and turns out it wasn't,,,so wanted to say bite me,,but thank God I didn't. what's up with people that you try to be nice to and it seems like it's pointless? Any how made it ,with only minor mistakes ,,,think on the whole mail route I picked up one piece of misdelivery,,,,39 up road went to 39 down road,,,so no big deal there. That is even a rarety with me,,,with 470 stops and usually only one day a week. I am pretty good at what I do. ////Enough of that crap,,,,got to my other job and my boss was there sleeping....I have to wake him up when the wind stops. He has been up since 2 am,,,spraying. He is such a hard working guy,,,and he can afford to hire some one to do it,,,but he does ,,,,didnt have the heart to wake him,,,,so he woke up at 9pm,,,made him some supper,,,,packed a lunch and now have house to my self,,,,his mom is sleeping and I am heading there to dream land my self----Happy Trails :>)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

spring is sprung

Was such a pretty day here. Everything is like coming to life again. Noticed numerous tulips in bloom,,, Rhodendrens,,,even lilacs. I have been lately delivering a lot of garden supplies,,,,each delivery wishing it was I recieving the item and at home to enjoy it! My little brother called me today,asking about getting a few apple tree's to add to his place,,,so I called my boss and got him some,,,for such a good price---$10,,,Agway here was charging $40. Really wish I had the room to put one in my little area,,,,but then again if I had the room I would put a cherry tree,,,or a peach tree. I probably do have room for one but then I think about all the leaves I would have to bag,,,I bagged so many this year and past,,with not even having one tree,,( notice I use freakin to many times,,,so trying to stay away from saying freaking leaves),,so shall just enjoy getting them from work. Buy the way those tree's are well into there bloom. The peaches have such a pretty bright pink bloom,,,need to take a pictureof that. Some times the simple things we see we take for granted,,and life is to short not to take notice of all the small things we see.///If your a big person don't wear whit spandex---noticed to day when I came to my second job,,,the girl that was here,,,(we are the same age...29,,uh like 40) Had a pair on and all I can say is DON'T,,,really think as we age we should try to remain sexy. Glad I was able to get to the gym today,,,soon it will be beach time and I would like to turn a few heads,,,get some smles. Can't picture some chick on the beach 2oo plus in a suite feeling good about them selves,,to me that is just lazy. Grant it some people like there fat,,,the chick I work with think she is sexy,,,,even my patient wonders why,,,,"says she has issuse,,and her husband must be "wolfing around" god'da love that; coming from a 95 year old. Well it's off to my sweet dreams,,,Cherry Blossoms and rainbows-Happy trails :>) OKAY reminder to who shall read No spell check happing here,,on lap top,,,so adjust ( # ) _ ( # )

Another day

Yesterday was a really heavy freaking mail day,,,I forgot what Monday's are like! Didn't get done till 6pm,,,then I had to head to my other job. When I was younger all I planned on is being barefoot and pregnat,,,or just being a little socialite. It was nice thou being with the Monday crew,,,it is different than Saturday for sure. The boss was there so the vulgar behavior was gone. I got to my second job and was expecting my patient to be in her night clothes,,,,nope. By the time I settled down for supper it was 8pm. Definitely to long off a day for me. Had one girl coming in at 6am to do the day shift today. She showed up sick,,,Had to send her home and reschedule. My pt. Is 95 so I don't need any sick germs there. Now it's 7;30 am,,,all chances of hitting the gym before work are gone,,,hopefully I will get done early and beable to get a good work out in before I go back. ///I put this daily cartoon in the blog,,and can't figure out how to move it in the templates,,,every time I try I erase my whole blog. Any suggestions would be helpful. When I have more time,,,shall fix it,,,for now it's off to read some postcards,,,cheers and happy Trails

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Wide Open Spaces

To beable to have a whole beach all to your self,,,what a great thing that would be. This beach is Salisberry beach, MA. One of another of my favorite places to go. This year thou we will be camping at Haminesett State park also,,,so who knows perhaps that shall be my favorite spot/ Rummaging in my handbag yesterday and I found a $80 ticket for Foxwoods I forgot to cash in,,,means a new trip there soon. Today here the only sky blue you see is above all these freaking rain clouds. I shouldnt be complaining, we need the rain. I just went out and checked on my flower garden all is coming up great. I even planted a row of corn between the property line. My neighbor took out our old fence in his tree removal, with the promise of putting up a new one soon. Guess he is too busy packing fudge to do that yet,,,it has been 3 years. Today I left work at 11 am, met my sweety and we did the shopping thing. Then I headed to the gym,,all was going good until this guy started talking to me,,it seemed like he was either lonely or a future stalker. He was not working out,,just following me around from one weight machine to the next. I asked him why he wasn't using any of the machines,,he said he was just having a easy day,,(stalking me). Well now its time to head back to work,,,Enjoy the rain,,Happy Trails

Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Trip,,

It started out as a very pretty day. I got a good night sleep at work,,,I really didn't even have to get up,,,My patient's son got her up so I could sleep. But I did get up to put her back to bed. Went back my self to sleep at 2 AM,,,Then up at 5;30am. In and out of shower by 6--ready to go at 6;20. Went and got my Mom,,who was not totally ready,,,Helped her finish getting ready,,,And off to my sister's we went. My brother and sister was ready to go--Foxwoods here we come,,,On our last road there,,,we ran into a pot hole and got a flat. I got Mom out of car put her in a wheel chair near road for sympathy....Milly got the tire out. I told Joey to hide and some one would surely stop when they saw 2 cute chicks and a lady in a wheel chair,,,,but no000,,,He wanted to change it. One person did stop any how. We put the fake tire on,,,that came with the Jetta...It had very little air in it.( Not at all like my Blazer's spare tire which is just like the other four tires,,with air),,,we found a gas station,,,filled the spare,,,found a garage,,,the checked the old tire,,,it was totally broken,,,Rechecked the air in spare. The guy was very nice,,but totally redkneck,,,,Did not believe in Walmart,,(never shopped there-never will),,,On to the casino---milly and Mom and I went to Panora (sp) breads for soup,,,Joey to the tables. After lunch we hit the slots,,,I lost Milly and Mom...Joey found me and we headed to the $5 slots,,,we both chipped in $100 and went to every machine dropping $5 in---Nadda nothing. He went back to tables,,I stayed on a machine,,got it up to $250- Then went and put that in a $1 Wheel of fortune,,,hit a jackpot of a grand,,,called Milly and she found me and I took Mom from her and we played a 50. Cent machine,,,Monte Carlo- I dropped $20 into it and got it up to $375,,,we waited there for Milly,,,,by the time she found us $500 was gone. Joey met up with us and we went back to the high rollers,,,needless to say It is all gone. I will be getting a few free rooms and gifts out of this trip. We all got a bite to eat,,left there at 6;30,,,,I am totally late for work. Decided to change schedule at that moment and have the girl there spend the night,,,I will do sat/sun...After the mail. Had to go there and get my meds tonight thou. We drove home going 45-50...miles a hour till we got on mas pike. Got home at 10;30pm,,,,ugh long drive. But had nice family time together. My sweety at home says we all need to go to gamblers anomous....Now getting ready for the post card ready crap...Cheers...Happy trails :>)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Is it Sunday yet?

Waiting for the weekend,,,where I can not do any thing,,,or worry about another soul but me. Who am I kiddin,,,that will never happen,,weekend will come and grant it a lot will be about me but also him. What can I do to bring him to his knees that I haven't done in all these years. Actual nothing,,the dam guy gets lit up when I just come in a room, and flash him my,,,,,any thing ,. But to much together and we are looking for the amio. I saw him to day...but just long enough to flash him for a minute,,,and what does he do,,,,flash me back. We are such children in adult bodies it's kinda scary. other than the tease each other things in the day went pretty good,,,left the one job and headed to the next,all by 7;30 am,,,and on no coffee. I gave that up a few years ago. A glass of tea is all I need..I usually am non stop,,(think the drugs are still in my system from my teen years.). Went to Alyson's,,,she was ready to go walking but I didn't have enough time so I just worked atmy tech. job there,,and she skipped her am walk. Next week I told her I have to do the mail thing M-T,,and if she wants I can work there on friday,,,,,she left the decion to me,,work or not,,dosen't matter to her,,no brownie points gain or lossed. So decided against not working and just coming out and going on our morning walk. Wich is a work out in it's self,,,we do it for a good hour,,,and there is numerous hills on her property. It's very pretty thou,,,with a pond and neiboring farms on both sides,,,horses,,,sheep,,,very rural. On a another thought,,,,my house guest is still with us,,,he is such a good guy. He does work way to much,,,I feel sorry that my supper to nights in a row gave him indigestion,,,he should have told me last night,,,i would have serverd him something different tonight. Right now every one everyone is asleep,,,and think I should be to,,,,busy day on the morrow. A family outing,,,Sister & brother andMom and me,,,heading to Foxwoods,,,,casino in the woods. Wish me luck. Happy trails :>)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Another day,,,

Officially awoke at 8am today. And the day flew by, I kept so busy and can't even notice much that I have done. Nor have I had a chance to sit down yet and read the paper. My only meal was supper and that turned out great. My house guest usually comes in late and I have plenty of time to do everything,,,nope not today,,called at 5pm and was coming with in the hour,,it'ts unbelievable what you can start and finish in a hour. I had made chicken marsela,,,a batch of burnt green beans,,spinich and potatoes. Plus I frosted a cake. I made a Duncan Hines signature cake,,,that was really good,,,it was the Orange Dreamsicle,,,I would give that cake a 10!! And I am not much of a desert person,,,more a second helping of burnt green beans. Now every one is nestled in there beds and I have time to reflect on the day....I took my patient to the big food chain store,,,she is so impressed with PriceChopper,,,she loves looking at things we dont even need. From there I had to run into a Dollar general,,,as I was pulling in to my parking space a Jerk was empting his ashtray out the window,,needless to say it was windy and my window was open. What a complete ass he was ,,,,he thought nothing wrong with it. I tried to ignore the fact that he was old and retarted looking,,,but he was left alone so he had to have at least half a freakin brain. Tonight on the farm they are starting to spray,,,last 2 nights have been to windy to do any thing. Last night I think I slept 4 hours,,,tonight I think less,,,my bed room is close to where they fill up the spray crap,,,and the tractors are very loud. If I can fall asleep before they need to refill I will get a good 2 hours in. I prepared my guest's lunch,,,to take with him. Breakfast is set up to make it easy,,,And I will be outa here by 7;30 am,,,for my other house in the country gig. Then I have 4 hours of MEEEEE time,,,,looking foward to that. Oh if any single males think of calling and want to say hi , call (212)-479-7990,,,,,,Happy Trails:>),,,,,shall update on # thing on a later note,,,Cheers!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


The tour the other day went great!! There was 14 of us,,5 Adults,,( well sorta) ,,and the rest tiny people ranging from 7 to 15 years old. All were great and not meaning to brag, because the are related but they were wonderfull. There really is a lot to getting a apple from the tree to the table. We are still packing last years crop,,,with about 2 more weeks to go. I forget the count but tons were sent out already,,,going to a Walmart, or Shaw's,,or Shoprite,,Pricechopper near you :>),,,And overseas,,,..I use we as if it is mine,,actually it started with my patient that I take care of,,,and for that I am proud. I stay with her at nights also and if she has overnight guest like her niece and husband who i think of as leaches at times I refuse to stay and go home. I make them do the hard stuff. Actually I feel more comfortable alone. Last night her son called and asked "what's for supper?,,,,he was coming and he going to take a napp and go out spraying the orchards at 12am,,,,yikes,,,I need to stay,,,,and some one else in the house,,,,wich means no farting out loud,,,or walking the halls in just my t-shirt and panties...Well that turned out ok,,,gave him left over Easter supper,,,made his lunch for the next day,,,he turned in early. I went to sleep at 11pm,,,remebered to put clothes on before I pranced around during the night. He left by 3am. Roomie at home said,,,"oh your sleeping with the boss overnight. So today when I saw roomie I told him i got a raise...Don't think he caught on thou. Today I took a few extra hours off,,,not that I needed to rest,,lol,,but wanted to hit the gym and spend some time with my sister and family before they headed back to florida. We went into town and did the antique thing. So many cool shops to see. Stopped and had a Latte,,was just cool being together. Then roomie met us and we had Chiness buffet,,,,at the place that the board of health visits,,,,it sucked. But luckily the company made it enjoyable. From there I ventured on to work,,,All went good,,My boss enjoyed another home cooked meal,,,his lunch and breakfast is prepared for the am. He asked what is for supper to morrow,,,told him,,,chicken marsela,,,,do I smell raise? Happy Trails:>)'s...humm,,,on lap top here so can't do spell check,,,so either ignore or not,,,,decission is yours and i really could give a crap,,but again,,,trailshappy jouney on...

Monday, April 17, 2006

The Long sleep

This is the famous Rip Van Winkle shot of the Catskill mountains. Beginning to see osprey coming around, eagles can be seen here all the time. With the return of the osprey that means herring and strippers and shad are now in the river. My cousin was out at 12am dropping his net. I awoke at 7;30 only to realize I was alone...I must have been in a deep sleep not to have noticed he left,,note on refridge told me he went fishing. Bunch of fishing fools they are to go at 12am/4am. I called him at 8am,,,no answer on his cell,,,Did he fall in? Am I now alone,,single at last. Oh the things to do,,, the places to go- Who will I get to drive his boat. He came back home at 9am,,,so much for the freedom. But I am relieved,,not having to look for some one to drive the boat. Today taking my nieces & nephews on a tour of the Cold storage and the apple process,,,should be fun,,,but now have to call them and let them know we all will be coming there will be 12 total,,,Don't you just love Monday mornings,,,,Enjoy the trails :>)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

sky Blue: Reflections of the day

Reflections of the day

The Easter egg hunt was just for kids,,,Mam you are to old,,Leave those eggs for the children please!! Again same thing heard as last year. But I did find a lot. Actually today went way to fast for me. Never got to the gym this am,,took all morning yaking on the phone,,pressing my clothes and his. And just getting ready. We left the house and headed to store to get flowers for the Aunt, and baskets of goodies for the niece and nephew. We arrived in Lennox at 12pm,,we thought the meal was at 1pm,,,nope 2pm,,,so it was a long day. Cousin Vinney from L.I. was there,,always nice to see him,,,he has excellent taste in wine. He opened a French chardonnay for me,,,and he choice a red wine for him self. By the 3rd glass I was ready for a nap,,but spruced up with a glass of pop,,I needed the caffeine. Dinner was great, seemed like I picked on food all day, if I fast tomorrow I should be ok for the swim suite season. We left there at 4;30 and headed to my sister's for social time and the Great Easter egg hunt,,,I did collect a few plastic eggs,,only to pick them up and put money in them for the kids to find. They had a ball. My sister hid a few lucky eggs with prizes attached to them. It was so nice partaking in it. Last year as we were riding some where I wanted to crash a Easter egg hunt at this gathering I saw and pretends we knew the people but the boyfriend thought it was funny yet he couldn't do it. //Reminds me of this A-1 steak sauce commercial,,,,Where the lady is eating and this guy sits across from her,,,He total devours the steak as she is saying,"why are you doing this? I don't even know you,,,he finishes the steak, gets up and leaves,,,then her husband comes back from calling the sitter and asks her did you eat my steak. It's a funny commercial that you gotta see to appreciate. Soon Desperate house wives are on,,,so gotta run,,,enjoy your trails :>)

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Today was a perfect day

The sky was perfect,,felt like summer. It hit 79 degrees definitely my type of day. Every thing looked so fresh and new. Flowers blooming out all over the place. I spotted this turtle guarding a mail box as I worked. He or she,,,hard to tell,,it did have a long tail if that is any indication onto it's sex. It was not scared as I stopped to take it's picture,,I thought for sure it would have ducked inside it's home. I left it some corn chips as a reward for posing. After work we met with a bunch of my siblings for dinner up in Valatie. There were 11 of us total,,the food was good and the service was good too. The name of the place was Maine Street cafe. Very reasonable in price almost to cheap.On the morrow we venture over to Lenox for his side of the family Easter meal. His aunt is a great cook and really looking forward to that meal,,,need to work out 2 hours before. Actually wish the gym was open in the afternoon,,after the meal,but only 1/2 day. So now on to the rest of my perfect day with some fun on the home front,,,Enjoy-Happy Trails ;>)

Good Friday

Yesterday was good Friday. The game plan was to get off work at 12:15, Go to the gym, Then meet my sister and brother inlaw, nephew and Mom at church at 2;30. Well 2pm comes and I am just changing out of my work out gear and the phone rings....can I pick up Mom,,,ugh, Not that I dread getting her,,it's just here goes the rush,,drive out to get her (12 Minutes),,,walk down the long hall at the home (10 minutes),,drive back to town (12 minutes) park some where near church,,,long walk to door,,and Mom is kinda slow walking ,,,(15 minutes),,And get in church on time. That part went pretty good,,,we got there at 3;05 for 3pm mass.And we get to sit in front pew,,,I usually like sitting in the middle of the church,,this way I follow every one else in the sitting, standing, kneeling thing,,but now it's up to me to guess at it,,,I kinda wanted to start kneeling when you should be sitting to see who would follow my lead.,,I don't go to church that often,,think the last time was a funeral. And I never remember going on good Friday. The priest carries the cross to the front of church and one by one you kiss the feet of the Lord,,,All I kept thinking of is germs,,,they wipe it off with a cloth each time,,,but how does that kill the germs,,,My sister assured me it will be fine. Mass was nice,,guess I need to go more often. I have a strong belief in Christ,,I just don't go as much as I used to. Growing up I had to go every holiday and Sunday. One of the last times I went posslq went with me...It was open confession,,He went up first and told the priest he was living with me,,and wanted the blessings,,,well Father was from the old school and didn't want to hear the living in sin ,,,and dismissed him,,,so when I went in next and started to talk,,first thing out of his mouth,,,Are you with the gentleman that was just here,,,Yes I said,,,He said he could not here my confession,,,No Hail Marry..nadda. So that kinda put a damper on the whole church going thing. My posslq won't go back,,except for weddings and funerals. Well now I am running late again and the rush begins,,,It's my postcard reading day and I gotta run,,,Have a Happy Easter and see you on the Bunny Trail,,,(how Freaking Corny was that) Happy Trails:>)

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Am Holiday,,,,Maundy Thursday

Yesterday worked on washing and waxing the boat. I washed the whole boat and waxed 1/2 of it,,,,that is just too much work for me,,,I had to take 1/2 day off as a holiday. I did attempt to do my household technician job,,,but I got out there and thought I would just go on a nice walk with my boss. We walked for a hour,,She is such a cool person. She told me this story,,She was in a upscale goumet food shop in Manhattan. It was crowded, and she noticed this clerk and he looked like he was choking,,, so she yelled some one help him,,,,Every one just looked at her as if she was nuts. So she dropped her bag ran over and started giving him the hymlic maneuver,,,and yelling is there a doctor here,,,finally another clerk said Ms. He is having a asma attack. Lol,,I thought that was so funny,,sounded like some thing I would do. Any how here is picture of the side of the boat I did. I don't know why there is 2 pics side by side,,,your not seeing double I just screwed up. Thank God posslq waxed the rest of the boat,,,I don't think I could have,,,my shoulder is sore,,,my job is just looking cute on the boat,,,that's it. Next year I will be out of town when he gets the boat ready for the water. Nice sunny day here....enjoy your trails ;>)zz

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

sky Blue....On The Farm

sky Blue...Yesterday at work--I decided to take my patient into town to do some shopping. As we left I noticed a huge burn pile,,burning away and thought nothing of it,,,so we jouneyed on....Found that she really loves going to stores and looking at things. We went into a clothes store and found somecute capri's for me..that she thought would look cute on me,,2 sizes smaller than usually :>) And they fit. So after our shopping we road around looking at homes,,then proceeded to "our" place. Well in our absence,,the brush pile took off. I spotted a Mexican and stopped to ask him if the fire trucks came...Surprise to me he spoke English,,,,not only did the fire trucks come,,,so did the police and encon. Yikes,,,,but all turned out well. Reminded me of when I was younger....myDad every year would have a few beers,,,pour some gas on the back field to clean the brush,,,,then call the fire company to put it out,,,we always had a nice green field after it grew back. This was a yearly event. Today I am off for a few hours,,going to help the posslq,,,clean and wax our boat. Soon it shall be in the water and we can venture around the seas,,,,or river as some call it,,,Happy Trails:>)

Monday, April 10, 2006

A few of my favorite things

I just love this place! It is a long walk from the camp ground but when you get there, it is so nice. Back in it's day it was a Hotel,,now all that is left are the piers....Sorta like time changes but some things try to remain. The posslq just left the building,,,I shall get going and enjoy the day. I must remeber I have to go to work,,,and soon. Remeber,,,,Life is not like a box of chocolates,,,,It's more like a jar of Jalapenos,,,,what you do today, might burn your ass tomorrow!! Enjoy your trail:>)