Things That start the day off....

Now this could definitely start the day off on a wrong note "OUCH". And to make the news,,That happened yesterday,,he resting now,,LoL. This am when we like to lounge around the house in our semi-undressed clothes,,and just chill and enjoy the morning--It was interruptive with his Mom ringing our doorbell and asking if we can watch the great niece and nephew for 15 minutes while she took a shower. Her apartment is down stairs,,,we hurried up and dressed a little more before the 2 and 6 year old came. They are good kids but think I scare the 2 year old with my Hair all ruffled and looking like a witch in the am. They were here 45 minutes,,now it is time to get moving and see what the day brings. Hoping to get a bit of fun in before I head to the PO. On the morrow I have to do a route that really makes me dizzy,,,I think I have done it once,,,about 5 years ago. The regular on there constantly screws up and has his customers complaining,,,and me I try to be perfect so I am going down and practice a bit. Monday's are heavy as it is,,,and being the first of the month on a route that is heavy really bites. If the 2 year old could see me at the end of the day on the morrow,,,he will never want to come back up here. I am also going to try to get a few good photo shots in today. But for now it is off to the gym for a few hours--Cheers- Happy Hour is at 6pm---Happy Trails :>)